Why intelligent user engagement is the future of growth for B2C business
With the emergence of interactive digital marketing and rising awareness amidst consumers, the chances of breaking the clutter and striking an emotional chord with them is the need of the hour for every marketer. The way consumers discover, evaluate, and purchase a product today has truly evolved as they have new methods of collecting information and interacting with the retailers to evaluate their product offerings. Thanks to technology, consumers are more informed, intelligent, interconnected and empowered while expecting brands to understand their preferences.
Establishing Meaningful Connections
It’s essential for any marketer to ensure that their target audience stays loyal to the brand and become brand advocates. Effective retention of your existing consumer base through friendly and interactive campaigns remains vital to attain the goal. However, the challenge is to make sure that they remain loyal to the brand and not fall under the “shifters'' category. They key to cracking this code is by enhancing customer user journey and creating meaningful experiences for them by following the 3C’s of customer engagement:
1. Instilling Confidence
2. Building Connections
3. Providing Convenience
Retail players need to understand that e-commerce is not about the frequency of transactions made by the customers. It’s a shopper’s market and retailers should make conscious efforts to bring product improvements and innovations to foster and imbibe a sense of seamless consumer experience. The role of intelligent user engagement channels to make interactions more humane and friendly is imperative for a harmonious growth in consumer business.
Decoding Customer Intelligence
From being stringent about offline shopping to witnessing an increase towards online shopping during the pandemic, the dynamics of consumer purchase journey has come a long way. With the rapidly increasing competition in the digital domain in such turbulent times, ensuring that your brand stands out is imperative. Thus, mobile marketing combined by a strategic and personalized communication helps yield higher results on campaigns.
Understanding the importance of engagement led marketing through gauging consumer persona, their demographic segmentation and multiple channels of communications is detrimental in translating customer intelligence. The ultimate goal is to provide a delightful journey that fits the customer’s preference through a targeted communication strategy.
The overall imagery, product descriptions, interaction flow and website navigation add on to the feel-good factor leading to an increased consumer retention. What you want consumers to perceive about the brand is directly dependent on the tone of voice and the brand values communicated across multi-channels. Ensuring one-on-one user engagement content on multiple channels by creating customized communication helps brands retain their customers.
The Art of Evolution
The future of customer engagement will demand a higher rate of customization and technical innovations. This can be achieved through an effective approach around artificial intelligence and conversational chatbots by keeping a balance of human and data intervention. In the era of dealing with modern day consumers, the constant need to innovate and stay ahead of the consumer by predicting their preferences is the golden rule for every marketer for retention. Having a customer centric approach rather than a product centric approach will surely help in conveying a positive product sentiment by exploring new human behavioral trends.